Neal’s life mission and the needs of countless individuals facing cancer converge at THRIVE, where he serves as President and guiding force. Witnessing their struggles ignited his lifelong dream of creating a resource like THRIVE, empowering patients with tools to flourish amidst this challenge. Driven by the unmet needs he sees in cancer care, Neal spearheads initiatives that bridge gaps, forge partnerships, and ensure THRIVE offers safe, effective treatment options.

Two decades as a medical oncologist have shown Neal remarkable advancements in cancer care, from harnessing the immune system to potential cures for metastatic cancers. Yet, crucial gaps remain. Basic questions about optimal nutrition and safe supplements linger, and practical hurdles like gym anxieties, childcare needs, and financial constraints often complicate recovery. These very concerns fuel Neal’s passion for THRIVE.

The multifaceted impact of cancer on patients’ lives deeply affects Neal. He witnesses firsthand the physical, emotional, and financial burdens they carry. The emotional demands of oncology are undeniable, but Neal emphasizes acknowledging and processing these emotions. He recognizes the grief, fear, injustice, and loss, but also cherishes the joy and meaningful connections that can emerge amidst the struggle. He understands the difficulty of finding happiness and purpose when facing cancer, treatment, and lingering symptoms. This is precisely why guiding others towards these connections is the most fulfilling aspect of his work and the core reason THRIVE exists.

Neal’s dedication to THRIVE stems from a deeply personal understanding of cancer’s impact. “All of us have been touched by cancer”, Neal relates in acknowledging one of THRIVE’s touchstones is Amy Nessel, a dear friend who defined living your best life while living with metastatic breast cancer as well as his remarkable mother who balanced career, family, and the “joys of advancing age” while managing localized breast cancer and several grueling encounters with skin cancer. All these experiences instilled in him a profound empathy and an unwavering belief in the power of community. This guiding principle fuels his commitment to THRIVE, where he fosters a welcoming environment for every member. “At our core,” he states, “we connect, share experiences, and empower each other to navigate challenges, including those presented by cancer. It’s through this collective support that we truly thrive, even in the face of adversity.”

While his leadership at THRIVE exemplifies his dedication to the community, Neal’s journey began far from it. Earning his medical degree at Harvard and specializing in breast cancer, his life unfolded across different landscapes – from his birthplace in New York to his childhood years in Massachusetts and Missouri. Eventually, Connecticut became home, where he met his lovely wife, Amy, another passionate medical oncologist. Together, they raised six daughters, and their lively household includes two beloved dogs and a spirited cat known as “the disrupter.”

More than just his professional pursuits, Neal embodies a healthy, active lifestyle. Spinning and boot camps fuel his energy, but he acknowledges that everyone’s fitness journey is unique. Finding the right balance and type of exercise is essential for a healthy life. Neal believes in the power of community for staying motivated and actively participates in THRIVE’s exercise classes. His infectious enthusiasm motivates even the most hesitant members to join in. Neal’s message is clear: celebrate progress, embrace different paths, and together, let’s all move towards a THRIVE-ing future.